Saturday 7th October 2017Truro College Fal Building ( Lecture Theatre )
Details of the Cornwall UFO 20th Annual UFO conference can now be found on the
CUFORG Website, also you can purchase tickets through PayPal on the website.
Speakers Lectures:

Speaker: -Nigel Watson
Title: -Are UFOs Extraterrestrial Craft?
The Drake Equation and the recent discovery of extra-solar planets indicate that our galaxy should be teaming with intelligent life. Yet, as the Fermi Paradox notes there is a profound lack of evidence for their existence. Perhaps UFO research can answer this question?
The evolution of theories and ideas surrounding the extraterrestrial origin of UFOs will be explored and put in the context of the current state and findings of the scientific Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). This will cover the concept of Ancient Aliens, UFOs throughout history, why they ‘returned’ in 1947 and the different types of ET theories.
Speaker :-Alan Foster
Evidence indicates that UFOs and E.T.s have abilities beyond our earthly laws of physics, and this can be part of the problem when discussing Ufology within mainstream society. When Disclosure of the ET reality happens, there will be many implications to consider. Debates will ensue trying to differentiate between ET interactions or more Divine, Holy or Angelic interactions, either currently or historically. Alan will discuss these issues, and also put forward reasons why Angels, regarded as being of a Divine spiritual origin, should not be confused with the physical properties and motivations of Extraterrestrial beings. Alan is a writer, researcher and international lecturer on UFOs, Crop Formations, Angels and the Turin Shroud. He is on the Advisory Board of the Exopolitics Institute and is a regular columnist for ‘UFO Truth Magazine’
Speaker :- Clas Svahn
Title:- The Ghost Rockets.
The Ghost Rockets are one of the most strange UFO phenomena I have encountered during my 42 years of research. They peaked in 1946 with more than 1.000 reports but did continue afterward in smaller, but spectacular, way. One of the reports I will tell about is when the Swedish Supreme Commander witnessed a Ghost Rocket crash in front of him, the search for it and my work trying to find the documents about it.
I will also tell about UFO-Sweden’s own search for a Ghost Rocket that landed and sank in a lake in 1980.
Speaker:- Tim Walter
Title: The earth, its ghosts, and our part in its creation
Tim Walter worked as a freelance media production consultant in the corporate world for thirty years during which time he made videos for blue chip and multi-national companies, produced international conferences and wrote film treatments and short film scripts and developed series ideas for broadcasters…. and it all seemed terribly serious and important until his family and he moved house from Kent to Gloucestershire. That’s when life really started to become interesting and eventually led to adopt the label of geomancer and life coach.
In this entertaining talk, Tim will illustrate by highlighting what happened to him on his life path as to how the worlds we individually live are guided by other beings from the dimensions adjacent to ours…even when we don’t believe it! Today Tim uses the focused power of intent to help people to wellness working with the energies of the places where they live and work to see how his client's lives are reflected symbolically in the earth energy which is as much a part of them as they are it off. Tim takes apart some of the labels used in Earth mysteries and psychism and finds links to science in many aspects of what we consider to be a spiritual existence